Sunday, August 23, 2020

Aristotle Life Story

Aristotle was conceived in Greece around 384 B. C. , to guardians Nicomachus and Phaestis. His dad Nicomachus was doctor to King Amyntas of Macedon, and his mom was of an affluent family from the island of Euboea. At the point when he was 17 he went to learn at Plato’s Academy in Athens, where he remained for around 20 years. Aristotle got along admirably at the Academy, however when Plato kicked the bucket he was not picked to be among the pioneers. Not long after Plato’s demise he left to guide Prince Alexander, later to be known as Alexander the Great. Aristotle later came back to Athens to open his own school which is known as the Lyceum.Aristotle was more keen on science than different thinkers in his time, perhaps on the grounds that his dad was a specialist. He’s now and then alluded to the dad of science. One of Aristotle’s most significant commitments was arranging and ordering the different information on science into branches. He consequently es tablished the framework of science today. Aristotle is likewise thought to be the dad of the logical technique. In antiquated occasions, divine beings were believed to be the reason for occasions in nature. Early Greek thinkers scrutinized the jobs of divine beings as the reason for these occasions. On the off chance that the divine beings weren’t the reason for these occasions, who was?Philosophers propelled clarifications dependent on philosophical standards and numerical structures. Aristotle found that unacceptable. He was the first to understand the significance of exact (estimation dependent on perception and experience), accepting that information must be picked up from expanding on what was at that point known. Aristotle’s commitments were estimation and perception, which is the thing that science, is based upon. He was the first to propose the possibility of enlistment as a device to picking up information, and comprehended that hypothetical idea and thinking must be bolstered by genuine world findings.His technique is summed up as follows; Study what others have expounded regarding the matter, search for the general agreement about the subject, and play out a deliberate investigation of everything even mostly identified with the theme. This is the absolute first indication of a logical technique. Aristotle adored classifying and arranging things. For example, with the spirit he thought it was made out of two segments: a sound and silly part. The discerning half was partitioned into â€Å"scientific† and â€Å"calculative† segments, and the silly half was comprised of a â€Å"desiderative† (want) part and a â€Å"vegetative† part.A individual works by consolidating all the operations of these parts. The vegetative part might be ravenous. The desiderative part may need heaps of treats rather than, state, vegetables, yet the logical part realizes sweets will be awful for teeth and weight. The calculative part wi ll at that point attempt to work out a trade off. Issue comprehended! Aristotle accepted that there must be some essential items that consolidate to make all things. These fundamental four gatherings are, earth, water, air and fire, and each of these are a blend of two of four contrary energies, hot and cold, and wet and dry.For model, fire is hot and dry. He guaranteed that all materials were produced using different blends of these components. His adoration for classifications additionally drove him to separate individuals into three gatherings. The huge gathering, who adored joy, a littler gathering - incorporates lawmakers that adoration respect, and the littlest, however most world class gathering, who love thought. The last were the logicians. Aristotle’s next undertaking was to locate the key explanation that isolated people from creatures. His answer was our capacity to reason. Aristotle’s extremely extraordinary commitment was that of biology.Having set up the division among people and creatures he set out sorting everything he could of the natural world. He assembled creatures with related qualities into genera and afterward separated these genera into species. This equivalent procedure is utilized today, however ensuing examination has made a portion of the people be moved around. He expounded in detail on 500 unique creatures in his works, including a hundred and twenty sorts of fish and sixty sorts of creepy crawly. He was the first to perform dismemberments on living things, so he could attempt to understand how they worked.He depicted how a chick creates inside an egg and understood that dolphins and whales were not quite the same as fish. He noticed that ruminant creatures, similar to dairy animals, had multi-chambered stomachs, something that isolated them from basic tolerated creatures. In addition to the fact that he studied huge creatures, yet little ones also, for example, honey bees. He likewise made lead path in organic sci ence. He endeavored to arrange more than 500 plants into trees, bushes, and herbs and, while he was not so much fruitful in this, he surely comprehended which highlights of plants were important for making distinctions.This time he has earned the title of father over plant science. Aristotle made numerous different commitments to science, one of which was demonstrating the Earth was a circle, despite the fact that he wrongly imagined that Earth was the focal point of the universe. Plato couldn't help contradicting this hypothesis; he agreed with Copernicus who appropriately thought the sun was the focal point of the universe. Aristotle additionally contemplated material science. He didn't have numerous instruments for experimentation so he was unable to quantify time or speed. He didn't take into consideration undetectable powers, so he didn't examine gravity. Things tumbled to Earth and the moon circumnavigated the earth in light of the fact that that’s what they did.In rese ntment of his impediments, Aristotle made some momentous commitments to material science and laid the basis for Galileo, Newton, and Einstein. He contemplated that interminable speeds couldn't exist, that time and development are persistent and indivisible, and that time was in any event, streaming, unending, and the equivalent wherever without a moment's delay. These are on the whole evident, and are a piece of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. That’s astonishing considering the restrictions he needed to work with. Hostile to Macedonian learning about broke in Athens around 323 BC. The Athenians blamed Aristotle for irreverence.He decided to escape, with the goal that the Athenians may not â€Å"twice sin against philosophy† (by executing him as they had Socrates). He fled to Chalcis on the island of Euboea. Aristotle passed on in 322 BC. After he kicked the bucket a ton of his work and research was lost. It is believed that today we just have around 1/3 of what he had initially composed. Aristotle was a stunning researcher, however even he was not without botches. For instance, he wrongly expected that power is required to keep an article moving at steady speed. This blunder kept advancement down for quite a long time. He additionally, as I expressed previously, thought the Earth was the focal point of the universe.But, truly isn’t that what science is about? Experimentation, commit errors at that point gain from them, that’s how you gain genuine ground in science. Aristotle is confirmation of this. Take a gander at all the advancement we have made today, from his mix-ups. Reference index Bibliography 1. http://www. ucmp. berkeley. edu/history/aristotle. html 2. http://www. enotes. com/themes/aristotle 3. http://www. philosophypages. com/ph/aris. htm 4. http://jcmooreonline. com/2010/12/28/aristotles-suffering commitment to-scien ce-training and-material science/5. http://www. iep. utm. edu/aristotl/6. http://galileo. phys. virginia. du/classes/109N/addresses/aristot2. html 7. http://www. valpo. edu/geomet/histphil/test/aristotl. html 8. http://plato. stanford. edu/sections/aristotle-science/#LifWor 9. http://leavis. tripod. com/science. htm 10. http://www. try assets. com/history-of-the-logical technique. html 11. http://www. sciencekids. co. nz/sciencefacts/researchers/aristotle. html 12. http://www. historyforkids. organization/learn/greeks/theory/aristotle. htm 13. http://www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/AristotleBiol. htm 14. http://www. thocp. net/life stories/aristoteles. html 15. Data from class 16. Physical Science Book

Friday, August 21, 2020

Examine the ways Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Essay

Analyze the ways Sir Arthur Conan Doyle includes a feeling of secret and tension to the average investigator story in the indication of four. (Expound on the strange idea of the plot. The colorful idea of the settings, the assortment of characters associated with the story on both major and minor level. The characters of Holmes and Watson. The manner in which late Victorian culture and its mentalities are delineated. Your own reaction to the book. ) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle begins the secret off in the book straight away by simply naming the book â€Å"The Sign of Four†, this urges the peruser to open and begin perusing the book. He makes tension in the book by excluding us in the wrongdoing in the principal section, which contrasts from the typical investigator story; he decides to settle you in to the story by acquainting you with the characters in the story. We discover that numerous individuals regard Holmes. â€Å"Mr. Sherlock Holmes-† he started; yet the words appear to have a supernatural impact, for the window quickly pummeled shut, and inside a moment the entryway was open. Also, â€Å"A companion of Sherlock Holmes is consistently welcome,† When the creator enters Holmes and Watson in to the wrongdoing; he makes anticipation by continually settling bits of the riddle, and presenting new issues. This likewise keeps the peruser keen on the novel. Doyle humors us in the novel by letting us see the story unfurl from Watson’s see; this doesn’t let us realize what Holmes is thinking, and keeps us speculating, â€Å"Have u read your Jean-Paul. † This again contrasts from the average investigator novel, in this manner expanding the anticipation. Another way Doyle adds puzzle to the book is the manner in which he leaves the finish of sections at cliffhangers The little man obeyed in a half-stunned style, and we heard him lurching down the steps in obscurity. The run of the mill â€Å"Who done it? Is absent in the â€Å"Sign of four† including puzzle around the wrongdoing. The peruser discovers who carried out the wrongdoing partially through the novel, varying from the typical gathering together of suspects in to one room and clarifying the thought process, chain of occasions lastly the liable party. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle contrasts from the standard with a casual investigator, Sherlock Holmes and I vacantly took a gander at one another and afterward burst all the while into a wildly attack of giggling. At the point when they do locate the correct path, they find that the hoodlums are insightful. â€Å"We are out of luck,† said Holmes. â€Å"They have taken a pontoon here. † Suspense is expanded now, as the ladies realized that a man with a wooden leg came and recruited a vessel late around evening time. â€Å"I don’t like that wooden legged man,† In the main section the creator sets up a social chain of command; this contrasts from the social progressive system of today. In the nineteenth Century the rich refined man (non-working) were viewed as higher in status and insight than specialists or instructors which today would be viewed as higher in the public eye than the man of honor. This demeanor is reflected in Sherlock Holmes. He is a â€Å"gentleman† that is self important, sexist and vain, yet he is in every case right. His insight is alluded to toward the beginning of the book when he is calmly consuming medications. Again varying from the ordinary analyst novel as for the most part you would not relate the legend, with being a medication taker indicating contrasts in nineteenth century society to these days. He grinned at my eagerness. â€Å"Perhaps you are correct, Watson,† As u can see Holmes is stooping Watson in the past statement, demonstrating the distinction in the public eye, as we would most likely tune in to a specialist in the event that he disclosed to us something was awful. His knowledge shows again when he delivers a reasonable (right) storyline. The most evident distinction in the public eye from the nineteenth century is that the language has changed, sentences are said in various requests and words have â€Å"evolved† (e. g. from in this way to that). Watson is placed in the Sherlock Holmes riddles so the peruser can identify with somebody in the book. The peruser identifies with Watson since he discovers pieces of information or riddles a similar time we do, he additionally discovers what Holmes is figuring when we do on the grounds that Doyle decided to have a storyteller engaged with the story. This permits us to relate well. Watson is a smart individual causing the peruser to relate far and away superior the same number of individuals would not consider themselves idiotic. Watson has a character which is a quiet, conscious, mindful and unassuming. He never questions Holmes yet is constantly aware of what he is doing and clearly shows incredible regard for him: â€Å"He didn't appear to be annoyed. Actually, he set up his fingers, inclined forward on his seat like one who savors discussion. † Miss Morstan is the regular nineteenth Century Woman. Frail, â€Å"angelic† lady should have been secured by a resilient man (Watson). These days we would not consider ladies to be â€Å"frail† or â€Å"angelic† they are assumed skillful to take care of them selves. Doyle having lived in the nineteenth Century doesn't hold that assessment of ladies albeit uncommonly puts a ladies at the focal point of the story. She, having lived in a life experience school since she was seventeen considers Watson to be a â€Å"Father† figure and her sentiments towards him become more grounded, and they in the end wed toward the finish of the book. Different characters of this story incorporate Thaddeus Sholto, Athenly Jones and Jonathon Small. Thaddeus Sholto is an odd looking, bare man. He is frequently apprehensive as he has protectors who shockingly are Indian. At the point when he is first acquainted in with the story he is wearing Indian dress and smokes from a â€Å"Hookah,† his home is enriched in a regularly Indian way, he is a cliché despondent person and trusts nobody. Numerous nineteenth Century individuals felt that it was the best blessing to be English, and individuals who decided to be or act an alternate way were viewed as frantic. We these days would not consider outsiders insane except if we had met them, and became more acquainted with them well, this is related with physiognomy, as individuals in the nineteenth Century solidly accepted that they could tell in the event that somebody was terrible by their facial highlights. He likewise has an extraordinary feeling of virtue and regard. Athenly Jones is regularly one of the individuals who manages the more inconsequential cases on the planet and possibly runs into Holmes when he is bewildered. â€Å"When Gregson, Lestrade or Jones are out of their profundities, the issue is laid before me. † When they first experience each other Jones has a trace of jealousy in his voice. â€Å"You addressed us on the Bishopgate Jewell case. † He is clearly a man who doesn't prefer to be bettered and doesn't seem to have a similar measure of regard and wonder around Sherlock Holmes. We are informed that Jonathon Small is, â€Å"A ineffectively instructed man, little, dynamic, with his correct leg off, and he wears a wooden stump. † And â€Å"He is moderately aged, burned from the sun, and an ex-convict. † This statement in the nineteenth Century due to there mentalities on Physiognomy would make the perusers believe that he was a man to be careful about, and not trust. In the book Small is spoken to in an angry, unpleasant way; and is depicted as a man who has driven a hard and tiring life just needing legitimization for his life, accepting what is legitimately his. Returning to the Physiognomy hypothesis a disputable book was distributed in 1869 called â€Å"The Origin of the Species. † It followed the generally acknowledged hypothesis of physiognomy. It caused individuals to accept that dark individuals or â€Å"savages† were less evolutionally evolved than they were. So Smalls’ accessory from the Andaman Islands was seen as a â€Å"savage† just as being a piece of the littlest (stature shrewd) race on the earth. Being that they were â€Å"fierce, dismal unmanageable individuals, with misshaped highlights. † However this view wasn't right and when you became faithful companions, they were steadfast back. In the nineteenth Century numerous youngsters didn't go to class, either through destitution or they’re guardians didn't need them to go. They were left meandering the avenues gaining modest cash by doing tasks. Sherlock Holmes alludes to them as, â€Å"His messy little Lieutenants. † He alludes to them when he and Watson are hot on the path of the Small and his achieve. I delighted in this book as it contrasts extraordinarily from the ordinary investigator books making tension, puzzle and uneasiness. The way Sir Arthur Conan Doyle organized this book was done and merits incredible applause, it kept me intrigued right through and shocked me a couple of times too. This after totally didn't comply with my unique assumptions of the book.

Monday, July 6, 2020

2018 Best Brightest Cole West, Washington University (Olin)

2018 Best Brightest: Cole West, Washington University (Olin) by: Jeff Schmitt on April 01, 2018 | 0 Comments Comments 1,292 Views April 1, 2018Cole WestWashington University (Olin)Lover of immersive learning, my parents’ music, and making an impact wherever I go.Fun fact about yourself: I started my first business in fifth grade with my two best friends at the time. It was an art business where my friends would do the drawing and I ran the accounting, delivery, and payment processes. The only thing I drew was a complementary bubble letter picture of customers’ names when they made their first repeat purchase, and it was complementary for a reason. We had three â€Å"employees† and our most popular drawing was Hello Kitty.Hometown: Farmington Hills, MIHigh School: University of Detroit Jesuit High School AcademyMajor: Marketing EntrepreneurshipMinor: African African American StudiesFavorite Business Course: My grandmother, Norma Cash, worked in retail sho e sales for over 25 years. When I got to WashU and had the opportunity to take Retail Management, I jumped at the chance to learn more about the business that she spent her life working in. Little did I know that I would fall in love with the quickly changing industry and the small details that differentiate a store from an experience.Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:School Awards/Honors:Awarded merit-based John B. Ervin Scholarship from WashUAwarded merit-based James E. McLeod Scholarship from WashURecipient of the Ralph Bunche Scholar AwardDean’s ListExtracurricular ActivitiesCenter for Experiential Learning’s Small Business Initiative – Undergraduate Fellow Sr. Project LeadI am now the Undergraduate Fellow at the Center for Experiential Learning, a consulting firm within WashU in which undergraduates and MBA students serve as consultants to clients that range from rural startups to Fortune 50 companies. Originall y created for 2nd-year MBA students, my role entails client acquisition, relationship development, and working with groups of students to help empower them to deliver successful project outcomes. I am also responsible for developing a long-term strategy and necessary infrastructure for the expansion of the Small Business Initiative, a program exclusively for undergraduates.The Shopping Stop – Co-Founder and PresidentI am the co-founder and president of a grocery delivery service for the WashU community. We deliver from five stores and our clients are students, faculty, campus organizations, and departments within the university. Our business started as a grocery pickup service and has expanded to include delivery services, seasonal specialty products, and a service delivering college move-in essentials to international students.Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) – Career Prep Fellow Class of 2017Teaching Assistant for Management Communication and Retail Managemen tEach One Teach One – High School Math TutorStudent Entrepreneurial Program – Executive Board Vice PresidentWhere have you interned during your college career? Freshman Year: Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP, Detroit, MI – Internal Firm Services InternSophomore Year: The Box Out Group LLC, Plantation, FL – Marketing InternJunior Year: Deloitte Consulting LLP, Chicago, IL – Strategy Operations Business Analyst InternWhere will you be working after graduation? I’m excited to return to Deloitte Consulting as a Strategy Operations Business Analyst in August.Who is your favorite professor? My favorite professor is Professor Ashley Hardin. She made Organizational Behavior one of the most valuable classes that I have taken at the business school. Additionally, the fun, passion, and energy that she put into her class helped to inspire me to not give up on my dream of one day becoming an educator.What did you enjoy most about your business school? The I srael Summer Business Academy was what I enjoyed most about Olin because it not only allowed me to learn about a new culture by experiencing it, which was life-changing, but it also helped to equip me with entrepreneurial skills that I still use in my business today.What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? We learn how to find and extract value in business school, but one of the lessons that I have been taught through my holistic education with a focus on business is that the social responsibility of businesses is just as important to consider as the bottom line.What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? Take the information you learn in class and find a way to experiment and implement it in the real world.â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying†¦educational studies and African and African American studies. I’ve always been interested in learning about and helping to i mprove the access that minority communities have to high-quality education.What has surprised you most about majoring in business? Something that surprised me is how supportive the environment is here. When I first came to business school I was expecting a very competitive and cutthroat community, but I was pleasantly surprised with the collaborative nature amongst students and the professors’ dedication to their students’ success here at Olin.Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? My grandfather, Alphonso West, and my father, Bruce West, are my greatest inspirations for my entrepreneurial and business spirit. Both started businesses from scratch, worked tirelessly to nurture and grow them, and succeeded despite the odds of failure. Neither of them had a degree in business. Growing up, I felt like entrepreneurship and business was in my blood, and I thought I would be even better equipped to pursue my dreams with a formal business education fr om WashU.Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? I’m most proud of The Shopping Stop, the grocery delivery service that two other students and I started within the Student Entrepreneurial Program at WashU. Creating a business from scratch has been the most challenging experience that I have ever had and seeing it grow and thrive has been the most rewarding. These last three years of entrepreneurship have taught me about marketing, accounting, working in teams, innovation, integrity and so much more. I can honestly say it has changed my life for the better. I’m grateful for the opportunity and proud that I took advantage of it.If you were a dean for a day, what one thing would you change about the business school? I would make experiential learning within the St. Louis community a requirement for all business majors. I feel like my degree wouldn’t be complete without the consulting work that I was able to do in the St. Louis business community. The community benefits from the additional resources and students benefit from gaining practical skills that they can apply in any career. More importantly, though, I think experiential learning reinforces giving back to the community that you’re a part of, which is a crucial part of running a socially responsible business.Which classmate do you most admire? Taylor Harris because her resilience and dedication to her goals inspires me.Who would you most want to thank for your success? I would first like to thank John B. Ervin and James E. McLeod. Both were African American deans at WashU and paved the way and set an example for so many young minorities to follow. Without the support of the scholarships in their name, my journey at WashU would not be possible.I would also like to thank my friends, family and mentors for their unyielding support. I’m so fortunate to have the support system that I do.Lastly, I would like to thank my parents and God. My mom’s wisdom and encouragement to test the boundaries has pushed me to think outside the box in everything that I pursue. My dad’s example of what a father and person should be has been a guiding force that I strive to replicate in my adult life. I’m grateful to God for guiding my steps and giving me the strength to follow my passions.What would your theme song be? People Get Up And Drive Your Funky Soul by James Brown anyone who knows me knows I’m an old soulWhat are the top two items on your bucket list? Become a teacher or professor one dayLearn a new languageFavorite book: Radical Candor by Kim ScottFavorite movie: It’s a Wonderful Life – I cry at the end every single timeFavorite vacation spot: Nassau, BahamasWhat are your hobbies? Golf, movies, traveling, attempting valiantly (†¦and failing) to recreate family recipes, trying new thingsWhat made Cole such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2018?Cole has been a tremendous lea der in Olin and across Washington University during his academic career.   From founding a student entrepreneurially business, to acting as a resource to others looking at founding businesses, he is always willing to help others achieve their goals.   Cole has participated in several experiential projects through Olins Small Business Initiative, serving as consultants to local business facing large challenges and this year Cole is serving as the inaugural undergraduate Center for Experiential Learning fellow, charged with helping to scale the program so many more undergraduates can participate each semester.   Cole has been an incredible leader and contributor and will be leaving Olin a much better place than he found when he arrived.Steven Malter Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate ProgramsDONT MISS: THE BEST BRIGHTEST BUSINESS MAJORS OF 2018 THE COMPLETE LIST Page 1 of 11

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Life Tenure of Supreme Court Justices Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Behind them as proof of "bad" behavior, but this does not hold true where good behavior is described as "a favorable manner of conducting oneself. " If decisions unpalatable to some individuals, or even the majority, are used as a basis of impeachment by Congress, the judiciary would become politicized and subject to the whims of the majority. (See Good Behavior). the view that it is independent judges who can guard the Constitution as well as the rights of individuals. The Supreme Court upholds the Constitution and defends it against ideas that endanger the social order. If the people no longer finds the Constitution acceptable, however, they can propose to amend it through their representatives. History -Federalist Papers). Some put forth the argument that the Supreme Court is not accountable because Justices are not required to stand for election while serving during good behavior. Also, impeachment is difficult to carry out, with only one Justice in U. history having been impeac hed, and none ever been removed. Despite the claims to the contrary, it is argued the Supreme Court is actually not immune from external influence, being subject to appointment by the President and confirmation by the Senate (a political process). We will write a custom essay sample on Life Tenure of Supreme Court Justices or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Outsiders By. Hilton - 777 Words

The Outsiders, a novel written by S.E. Hilton depicts a story of the life of a fourteen year old teenage boy named Ponyboy Curtis 14 year old boy. Life where he is, is segregated by money into two main groups: the Socs and the Greasers. The Socials or Socs, are more of the wealthier group, while the Greasers are poorer and lower class. The narrator and protagonist, Ponyboy, is a greaser wishing for a better life full of opportunity. The story is mainly about the clash between the poor Greasers and the rich Socs. All of the fighting between these two social classes, resulted in the main characters having to overcome many conflicts and obstacles. The obstacles that Ponyboy and his friends had to persevere were beyond their control, while dealing with the death of their loved ones, and being born into their social class. Pony and his friends were always fighting with Socs throughout the story. They were also forced to break the law, trying to persevere through obstacles that were far beyond his control. Before these events occurred, one of Ponyboy’s friends, Johnny, was attacked by the Socs. He had never hurt anyone, more specifically, â€Å"Johnny had never hurt the Socs,† yet they still attacked him (Hilton 16). Ponyboy was extremely close with Johnny and â€Å"was something more than a buddy to all of us† (Hilton 178). Ponyboy and Johnny encounter the same incident with Socs as before and fought for their lives. However, they are saved and left. This resulted in them having to goShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Hilton Hotels876 Words   |  4 Pagessatisfaction, Goals and objectives, (changing the way hotel business has worked), and Change within the company; structurally inside and physically outside, adding elements, like entertainment, gaming, and outdoor activities, is the Hilton Hotel Company. History History of Hilton hotel has been very interesting as it started as Mobley Hotel in year 1919 a small building. Because, when the company started it had no plans or ideas of expanding, the sole purpose was to serve as a place for the travelers toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Outsiders 906 Words   |  4 PagesThe Outsiders by S.E.Hilton is one of the most well-known books of all time. S.E. Hilton was born in July 22, 1948 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She wrote the book, when she was fifteen, and it was published during a first year in college at the University of Tulsa (Hinton). The book made a huge impact. The book sold more than 14 million copies, and it’s the number one selling young adult book in history (Hinton). She would become really popular, and she would be would be known as â€Å"The Voice of the YouthRead MoreThe Outsiders Essay809 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿The Outsiders In class we have been reading a novel called ‘The Outsiders’ by S E Hilton. This book was published forty years ago and is still popular because it has an interesting theme and characters as well. The book was set in the 1960’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma, America. This book is about a boy named Ponyboy Curtis and his brothers and his gang. Ponyboy is from a gang called the greasers. The greasers are enemies with the socs who are the rich kids. Ponyboy is good friends with Johnny Cade, whoRead MoreCase Study961 Words   |  4 Pagesup, we were surrounded by people who could be a mix of all groups. There were many crippled, and many in formal dresses. All on the same side. Unlike anything I had ever seen. Somehow, I was the one to speak up. â€Å"Well! Hello there! My name is Ava Hilton, and this is my good friend, Pierce Mahoney. We come in peace, and more importantly, we want to stop the government’s discrimination.† The people exchanged unsure and doubtful glances. The same girl, Clea, said gruffly, â€Å"Well, Mia might have toldRead MoreHow Were The Lives Of Young People Throughout The 1960s?1516 Words   |  7 PagesHow were the lives of young people in the 1960s? S.E.Hinton, a twentieth century author wrote many books about youth. In her novel, The Outsiders, S.E.Hinton introduced the theme of conflict between the young teenagers. During S.E.Hinton s life, she experienced major changes in American lifestyle. After World War II, weekly income went up for families. With more money inevitably came a certain degree of independence - less parental support was needed for socializing and purchasing (OverviewRead MoreJust Days Before The Republican National Convention888 Words   |  4 Pagesticket alongside him as his vice president — Indiana Governor Mike Pence. â€Å"I m here today to introduce the man who will be my partner in this campaign and White House,† Trump said, beginning his remarks to a small crowd of New York supporters in the Hilton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. â€Å"I found the leader that will help us deliver a safe society and a prosperous society, a really prosperous society, for all Americans.† The GOP presumptive nominee was slated unveil his VP pick at a news conference FridayRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Outsiders 1233 Words   |  5 PagesThe Outsiders, a novel by S.E. Hilton is set in Oklahoma in the 1960s, tells the story of a group of greasers that will always back each other up no matter what the situation. On the other hand, the play Our Town by Thornton Wilder, is set a small town in New Hampshire in the early 1900s that focuses on the lifestyles of common people that share common interests and live together as a whole community. Both stories emphasize the theme of cherishing life. In The Outsiders, Johnny, a sixteen year-oldRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1308 Words   |  6 Pagesincluded mass executions, abducting women, using girls as sex slaves(â€Å"Terrifying UN Report† par.1).They have greatly threatened to exterminate minority Yazidis in Iraq by killing any whom refuse to convert from Christianity to Islam. According to Hilton, the terror group has been holding girls and women, many whom are Yazidi women, being held in Iraq. There are only two purposes that ISIS has for holding the women which is to either sell them or to destroy morale by raping and torturing them. TheRead MoreThe Success Of The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath1401 Words   |  6 Pageswas published, feminism wasn’t a common theme in most literature. Upon its publication in 1967 the most popular books of the time were One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Martinez and The Outsiders by S.E Hilton. Neither one of these popular books have a theme of feminis m. The Outsiders doesn’t even have any strong female characters. Both of the novels plot’s main focus is on a male or a group of males. The majority of books published in the same year The Bell Jar was in the United StatesRead More Cost Accounting: Its role and ethical considerations Essay1054 Words   |  5 Pages managers need to review the effect of their decision on financial reporting to outsiders whereas Variable costing can be used by managers to review the effect of management decisions on production, costs and profits. References: Absorption, Variable, and Throughput Costing. Retrieved on December15, 2004 from Hilton, Ronald W: Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, Second Edition:

Recruitment Process in Transnational Corporations †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Recruitment Process in Transnational Corporations. Answer: Introduction: Airline industries are one of the fast rising companies and the growth of the airlines industries has brought forward a lot of beneficial surprises for the society in general. First and foremost the airlines industry contributes a significant chunk to the growing economy; the business research analysts have deemed airlines industry to be the fastest growing industries in the world. According to the recent statistics the aviation industry contributes roughly 3.5% of the annual gross domestic product of the world which can be calculated approximately to 2.7 trillion dollars; hence the importance o the airlines industry is paramount to the economy. However, like any other corporate sector, an industry can perform well only when it has an efficient employee base (Yang Xinde, 2014). In order to have an employee base that is efficient, skilled, loyal and proactive, the recruitment pattern should be equally efficient and robust as well. And for that purpose an industry needs a qualified and efficient HR manager, who will have the required charisma, foresight and persuasiveness that will not only allow him or her to choose the best personnel for different designations, but will also allow him or her to manage the employees performance and behaviour in the organization as well. Now a the whole concept of sustainability of an organization depends on the performance quality and productivity of its employees depends relies on the capability of the HR manager to maintain optimal organizational culture and employee selection and their management, the importance of a HR manager is supreme for an organization to retain smooth sailing success (Wirtz Heracleous, 2016). This assignment will explore the necessary recruitment strategies for a HR manager taking the context of a viation industry, the airlines chosen for illustration is Singapore airlines. Singapore airlines are the basic flag carrier in the island country, and together with its subsidiaries it performs the majority of the passenger and the cargo air transportation, terminal services, engineering services and many more. This airline company operates in the entire eastern Asia and the employee strength of the company is about 30088 staffs according to the recent statistics shared by the organization. The annual revenue generation by the company is 15975.5 million dollars which is quite commendable considering the current status of economy. The mission statement of the airlines is centred on the basic goal to provide air transportation services with optimal quality and safety to the people all the while maximising the revenuer returns to safeguard the best interests of all the stakeholders involved. Elaborating more on the nature of business process, the very first principle followed in the organization is the clarity and commitment to the customers. They provide an inte gral and interactive communication system with their customers to ensure that best service support is provided to the customers. Furthermore, for better career growth of the employees, the airline company also regularly engages in continuous training and career development programs in order to entertain the skill enhancement for the employees (, 2017). There are a number of innovative business process management techniques employed to entertain more customer satisfaction like in-flight free resources, individual video screens, gaming devices and other in-flight entertainment devices. Lastly it has to be mentioned that the company also engages in a robust and periodic rewards and recognition program that helps in boosting staff loyalty as well. Hence, it cannot be ignored that the company engages in a vast variety of different activities and programs in order to boost the brand reputation and these business process management activities can only be organized effectiv ely by the means of a highly efficient middle management team, the position of HR manager selected plays pivotal role in this (, 2017). Job analysis and job design: The designation of a HR manager can be defined as a link between the employees and the management hierarchy of the organization, a personnel who is entrusted with two basic functions within the organization, the first is to overlook the entire business process functions in teh organization, and secondly, overall employee management. Now it has to be understood in this context that these job responsibilities entertain elements from a variety of different HR management disciplines, like compensation benefits, employee training and improvement, employee relation improvement, recruitment, selection and retention. First and foremost, an important role of an HR manager is to devise and negotiate strategic compensation plans and co-align them with adequate performance management and the compensation structure of the airline company. As mentioned above, an HR manager does not only recruit employees; rather the entire performance management and development comes under their job responsibiliti es. Hence, an HR manager will have to arrange and manage orientation programs, professional and personal development programs, leadership seminars to ensure that the needs and requirements of the company and its staff is addressed at all costs (?lusarczyk Golnik, 2014). Moreover, an HR manager is the professional personnel is entrusted with the responsibility of both maintaining and fortifying the employee-employer relationship in the organization by crafting an efficient employee relation management strategy, that will incorporate all the steps to ensure that the best interests of the employees are met and the grievances of the employees are regularly communicated and heard to. Lastly, the most instrumental responsibility of the HR manager is to perform adequate recruitment for the employees in order to meet the workforce demand of the airline company and follow the present labour market trends. Hence, HR manager will be responsible for he over all decision making procedure that i nvolves corporate branding for recruitment and the recruitment procedure itself (Swider, Zimmerman Barrick, 2014). Now considering the core competencies required in a HR manager include excellent communication skills, decision making capabilities, persuasive and motivation skills, and critical management competencies. It has to be mentioned in this context, that the performance quality, efficiency of the staff and workplace ergonomics are key principles of the job role for an Airline company HR manager. There are a number of different risks associated with aviation industry, fuel management, spilling, hydraulics management, adequate cleaning and in-flight safety procedures, all fall under the final supervision and discretion of a HR manager. Hence, key risk management skills are also required; lastly as a HR management is a sector associated with managing the behaviour and performance of people, the mental capacity of conflict management and stress tolerance is also a prerequisite for a HR manager. Hence, the recruitment for HR manager needs to be very strategic and cautious (Sengupta Sengupta, 2014). Recruitment strategies: The recruitment strategy can be defined as the carefully planned and organized set of steps that define the actions to be taken in order to hold a recruitment program for a particular profession. This strategy will incorporate a detailed organization for ewach and every step before and during a recruitment procedure. It will incorporate the planning for job advertisement, interviewing criteria, basic requirements, interviewer panel selection and management of the entire procedure. Now recruiting a new HR manager can be a tricky sector, for an airline industry it is even more complicated to decide on the recruitment criteria to opt for in order, and it is mandatory for the recruitment procedure to take into account all the external and internal factors associated all the while keeping the recruitment procedure as inclusive and diversified as possible (Schreiweis et al., 2014). The first and foremost strategy while planning a recruitment program is proper job role advertisements, it has to be understood that HRM is a crucial position for any corporate4 industry and for a dynamic industry like aviation, it is even more critical. The job advertisements method that is generally followed in the most business sectors is online media publication. The strategy for job advertisements must attract the attention of the public in the maximal level, hence the job advertisement strategy must incorporate all the popular online media interfaces, and the job description or job roles must be described with clarity and charismatic style to ensure more and more individuals are attracted to the position (Sarinah, Gultom Thabah, 2017). As the role of an HR manager is a very critical domain and the entire recruitment procedure for the airline company might suffer due to a wrong recruitment, which will eventually lead to weakening employee strength and overall business process management, there should not be any risks taken while recruiting for an HR manager. Singapore airlines can opt for the strategy incorporating employment or headhunting agencies. These agencies in most cases have the most qualified personnel and will be able to provide the best personnel for the post. The recruitment procedure is incomplete with a strong and efficient recruitment board or interview panel. Hence the next strategy for the airline company will be to put together a group of most qualified higher management personnel for the airline company to carry out the interview and selection procedure. The panel may incorporate managing directors, business process manager, employee relation manger, business process analyst and event the vice chairman of company (Kahungu, 2017). Lastly care should be taken to screen the recruitment procedure so that only deserving and adequately qualified personnel are given the opportunity to appear for the designation and to ensure that the recruitment criteria are maintained at all costs. Selection strategies: The concept of recruitment strategy and selection strategy might seem equivalent superficially; however there is a significant difference in between the both. A recruitment strategy is designed and implemented while conducting a recruitment program, however, a selection strategy decides which candidate will selected for the designation and based on what factors will the selection procedure will be completed. Hence, a selection strategy is equally mandatory for a company to have and here should be enough attention invested in designing a selection strategy (Kahungu, 2017). Now human resource selection techniques of a particular company may vary greatly, and it depends absolutely on the staffing needs and characters of the company concerned and the designation for which the selection procedure is being carried out (Broughton et al., 2013). The first strategy in case of selecting an HR employee should begin with preliminary screening, and in this round the selecting criteria must be based on the core competencies of a HR manager. In the second section, the selection strategy may include a written test that will judge the basic idea of the candidates about the job roles and requirements of a airline company HR manager and it may incorporate the intricate key requirements of an HR manager in a day to day activity in the airline industry (Kahungu, 2017). In the third strategy the actual interview session with the qualifying candidates may take place. In this step care should be taken to question the candidates with the most relevant knowledge regarding business process management and employee relation management in the airlines industry along with their ambition and aim in the airline industry (Griepentrog et al., 2012). The fourth selection strategy that the company can opt for is cultural fit selection, in this step the capability of the candidate to fit into the organizational culture of the company should be explored. It can be carried out by the means of a in-person questioning session, or it can be carried out by the means of hypothetical role playing activities where the candidates recruitment skills or conflict resolution skills are tested, and based on the performance of the candidate in the session the best deserving candidate should be selected for the HR manager position (Hawranik Pangman, 2016). Conclusion: It has to be understood that recruitment policies and procedures have a pivotal role in defining the performance standards that the corporate organization will be able to achieve. And as the employee recruitment, retention and overall management of employees depends on the competencies of an HR manager, any mistake in the hiring procedure for HR manager itself can lead to severely detrimental consequences for the organization. The recruitment and selection strategies discussed in the assignment has attempted to consider and include all the important aspects of the day to day job responsibilities of the HR manager and it can be hoped that these strategies can serve as efficient tools for recruiting an HR manager for Singapore airlines or any other relevant corporate organization. References: Broughton, A., Foley, B., Ledermaier, S., Cox, A. (2013). The use of social media in the recruitment process.Institute for Employment Studies, Brighton. Deeba, S. (2014). EmployeeS Satisfaction From Human Resource Management Practices In Airlines Industry In India: A Comparative Study Of Air India And Jet Airways.International Journal in Management and Socail Science,2(04), 1-21. Dhamija, P. (2012). E-recruitment: a roadmap towards e-human resource management.Researchers World,3(3), 33. Gatewood, R., Feild, H. S., Barrick, M. (2015).Human resource selection. Nelson Education. Griepentrog, B. K., Harold, C. M., Holtz, B. C., Klimoski, R. J., Marsh, S. M. (2012). Integrating social identity and the theory of planned behavior: Predicting withdrawal from an organizational recruitment process.Personnel Psychology,65(4), 723-753. Hawranik, P., Pangman, V. (2016). Recruitment of community-dwelling older adults for nursing research: A challenging process.Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive,33(4). Hossain, M. (2014). Employee perception about the recruitment and selection process of ACME group of industries Ltd. Kahungu, L. (2017). Human Resources Management Strategies. Personnel Management. Sarinah, S., Gultom, R. S., Thabah, A. A. (2017). The Effect of Recruitment and Employee Selection on Employee Placement and Its Impacts Towards Employee Performance at PT Sriwijaya Air.JURNAL MANAJEMEN TRANSPORTASI LOGISTIK,3(1), 101-110. Schreiweis, B., Trinczek, B., Kpcke, F., Leusch, T., Majeed, R. W., Wenk, J., ... Prokosch, H. U. (2014). Comparison of electronic health record system functionalities to support the patient recruitment process in clinical trials.International journal of medical informatics,83(11), 860-868. Sengupta, N., Sengupta, M. (2014). Singapore Airlines: Gliding with People Excellence. Singapore Airlines Official Website | (2017). Retrieved 8 October 2017, from ?lusarczyk, B., Golnik, R. (2014). The recruitment process in transnational corporations.Polish Journal of Management Studies,10. Swider, B. W., Zimmerman, R. D., Barrick, M. R. (2015). Searching for the right fit: Development of applicant person-organization fit perceptions during the recruitment process.Journal of Applied Psychology,100(3), 880. Wirtz, J., Heracleous, L. (2016). Singapore Airlines: Managing Human Resources for Costeffective Service Excellence. InSERVICES MARKETING: People Technology Strategy(pp. 695-703). Yang, D., Xinde, C. (2014). Innovation Research of Enterprise Human Resource Selection----The Selection of Southwest Airlines.International Journal of Business and Social Science,5(7).

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Strategic Management McDonalds

Introduction All businesses, irrespective of their industry, require strategies in order to be successful. High competition resulting from globalization and technological advancement has necessitated clear-cut strategies in order to survive. Strategic management has never been as important as it is today.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Strategic Management: McDonald’s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through strategic management, organizations are able to identify and implement the best practices to gain competitive advantage, increase profit margin and grow (Hubbard, Rice, and Beamish 2008). Fast food industry is one of rapidly growing and competitive industry. A company in this industry has to develop and implement successful business strategies in order to gain competitive advantage. In this report, a case study for McDonald’s is provided. The report reviews the strategies that McDonald’ s has adopted in order to maintain its global position in fast food industry. Organization Overview The McDonald’s has been in operation in food industry since 1954. The US based company operates a chain of fast food restaurants in more than 119 countries. Though initially established by McDonald’s brothers, McDonald’s success is attributed to its later owner: Ray Kroc. Over years McDonald’s has emerged to be a strong brand in the fast food industry. Most of its restaurants across the globe are operated as franchises. McDonald’s chain of restaurants is renowned for its uniform and standardized menu. McDonald’s menu across its chain mainly consists of burgers, milk shakes, French fries, sandwiches, Ice cream sundaes, vegetable salads and desserts (McDonald’s Corporation 2010). The menu however changes slightly from country to country depending on culture and customer taste. The company is renowned for its innovative products. Some of i ts successful products include Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, Quarter Pounder with Cheese and the Filet-O-Fish (McDonald’s Corporation 2010). McDonald’s main target for its products over years has been children and mothers. The company has therefore adapted its products and restaurants to its main target. Besides its ‘Happy Meals’, some of McDonald’s restaurants serve breakfast offering that include coffee, Egg Sandwiches, Sausage McMuffin, biscuit and hotcake. Though McDonald’s is generally successful, it has encountered various challenges along the way. High competition in fast food industry has been one of the main challenges in its global strategy. Apart from high competition, the company has been involved in controversies over its contribution to obesity. Increased health concerns especially in the US and UK has been a major concern to McDonald’s management.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we c an help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Strategies McDonald’s has adopted various strategies in order to be successful in global fast food industry. Although McDonald’s is one of the most experienced companies in the fast food industry, established and upcoming companies have been a threat to its market share. Wendy’s is just one of the fast food companies that have been a threat to McDonald’s. Through adopting certain strategies, McDonalds have been able to withstand competition and increase its number of restaurants across the globe. Strategic management should define an organization’s position, its desired position in the future and actions to be taken in order to achieve the desired goal. Through its ‘plan to win’ global strategy, McDonald’s has been able to remain highly competitive despite of negative publicity over health concerns. Increased health concerns and negative publicity resulting from health related controversies have been a major challenge to McDonald’s (Wilsher 2010). To address this, McDonald’s has adapted various business strategies. To create a healthy image for itself, McDonald’s plan to do away with soft drinks and Super French fries. Besides, the company plans to make changes to its menu in order to reflect increases health concern. For instance cinnamon roll with a sausage burrito is considered to be the major breakfast offering in United Kingdom. McDonald’s has been able to establish a strong brand over years. With negative publicity resulting from health concerns, the company has increased its effort to protect its brand. â€Å"Be our customers’ favourite place and way to eat† is the company brand mission (Ganapathy 2009). To ensure the mission is achieved, the company has taken firm actions from improving products, customer service to promotion. The company has implemented a new cooking system aiming at improv ing quality of products served in its menu (Howard 1999). Restaurant dà ©cor to brand icon has been improved across the globe in order to ensure consistent image to its customers. In addition, McDonald’s has consistently increased its promotion effort through conventional channels as well as new technology such as the internet.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Strategic Management: McDonald’s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Customer service is core to success in hotel and hospitality industry (Prakash and Olsen 2003; Tse and Jogaratnam 2008). McDonald’s has taken strategic actions to ensure high customer feel. Part of the strategies includes recruitment and training of right staff. McDonald’s staff is trained to treat customers with respect and maintain a smiling face while serving. High standard of hygiene is maintained including restaurants’ bathrooms. To show its concern f or environment, McDonald’s collects dropped burger wrappings and cups using its three-wheeled vehicle (Livesey 1999). Strategic Recommendations The principle objective of strategic management is to boost an organization’s competitive advantage. It enables the management to establish plans to address current and future needs of an organization (Thompson, Strickland and Gamble 2007; Carpenter, Sanders, Rice and Martin 2010). Fast food industry has attracted many players that try to address various customer needs. Most of these competitors exploit customers’ needs and concerns not well served in McDonald’s. McDonald’s therefore needs to put more effort to maintain its market share in the industry. Some of strategic actions that McDonald’s should take include: Enhance promotion and advertisement in order to overcome negative publicity Progressively expand its menu in order to accommodate increased customer needs and tastes, including health con cerns Invest more on product development in order to come up with competitive products for different cultures Conclusion Strategic management approach is a necessity in all industries in the global economy. Hotel and hospitality industry is one of the industries that most require strategic management. Companies in this industry must align their products and services to rapidly changing customer needs and taste. McDonald’s success in fast food industry can be attributed to its adherence to strategic management principles. The company is able to overcome its challenges by following clear-cut plans. Though clouded by controversy over health concerns, the company seems to maintain customer loyalty and still has high competitive advantage over other players in the industry. Reference List Carpenter M. A., Sanders W., Rice J. and Martin N., 2010, Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective, Concepts and Cases, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ganapathy, S., 2009, McDonald’s International Strategy: Squander Brand Equity? Web. Howard, T., 1999, The Over-Arching Strategy-McDonald’s Global Brand Strategy Task Force.  Web. Hubbard, G., Rice, J. and Beamish, P., 2008, Strategic Management Thinking Analysis, Action, Pearson, Sydney. Livesey, S., 1999, McDonald’s and the Environmental Defence Fund: A Case Study of a Green Alliance, The Journal of Business Communication, Vol. 36 McDonald’s Corporation 2010, Travel through Time with Us.  Web. Prakash, K. and Olsen, M., 2003, Strategic alliances: a hospitality industry perspective, International Journal of Hospitality Management Vol. 22, pp 419-434. Thompson, A., Strickland, A., and Gamble, J., 2007, Crafting and Executing Strategy, McGraw-Hill, New York. Tse, E. and Jogaratnam, G., 2008, From the top down: strategic management in the Hospitality Industry, SAGE Handbook of Hospitality Management, SAGE London, pp165 – 191. Wilsher, S., 2010, Mc Donald’s in Hot Water over Marketing Tactics.  Web. This report on Strategic Management: McDonald’s was written and submitted by user Sunset Bain to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Mary Douglas in Anthropology

Mary Douglas in Anthropology Introduction Mary Douglas is on record as being among the most brilliant and intellectually creative scholars of her time. For half a century she served the anthropology field with some of the most acclaimed pieces of cultural anthropology that have been used across the years as points of reference. The most prominent of her works is that of the biblical interpretation and criticism (Sheehan, 2005, p.16).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mary Douglas in Anthropology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More She spent enough time as a Hebrew bible scholar and therefore developed massive knowledge on the factual and theoretical aspects of the various books in the bible. She made it her personal objective to interrogate the bible and express it as a guide to modern civilization. This acted as her motivation to study and learn the Hebrew language (Douglas, 2004, p. 151). She delved further, to place the various religious specializ ations into a contrast of truths and falsehoods with the objective of creating a critical, humane, and sensitive coexistence between the various religions. She chose to expose this contrast from two main perspectives. The first is the perspective of an informed anthropologist who has a specific conception of the other religions through a balance of critical distance and cultural empathy. The second perspective is one of self-criticism of the western perception of religion. This in the end draws a line between the true, false and superstition in as far as religion is concerned (Fardon, 1999, p. 41). To achieve a concrete, humane, and sensitive deduction of biblical teaching she proposes that there is a need to step out of the biblical judgment of other religions and evaluate the biblical religion as it is (Berlin, 1997, p. 400). Mary Douglas as a successor of other important biblical studies scholars does not propose a new method to the study of the bible. She only presents a rather sophisticated and reflective approach to the development of a critical method of biblical studies that was proposed by earlier scholars. Notions of purity and danger The most prominent of her contributions to anthropology is her discussions on the notions of purity and danger. In her interpretation of purity and danger, she discusses the book of Leviticus and its prescriptions of good and evil and the relation between these native prescriptions and the modern civilized interpretation of the concept of good and evil (Fields, 1995, p. 23).Advertising Looking for essay on anthropology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More She begins her argument from the point of pollution rules. She conceives pollution as a series of events that systematic and anticipated or planned. A pollutive idea is therefore a predetermined series of events following each other (Douglas, 1966, p.62). She exemplifies this argument by quoting the book of Leviticus and the specific abominations that are provided for in chapter 14. The chapter gives specific prescriptions of the animals that Christians should and should not eat (Douglas, 1975, p.262). She questions the notion and logic behind this prescription and puts to perspective the justifications behind these prescriptions. Just like Maimonides (1881, p. 55) she proposes the argument that religion is to a large extent symbol free. In specific respects to the dietary prescriptions in Leviticus, she suggests that they are not meant to be symbolic but rather ethical and disciplinary. This view is shared by Epstein (1959, p.24) in his popular history of Judaism where he mentions â€Å"Both sets of laws have a common aim †¦Holiness. While the positive precepts have been ordained for the cultivation of virtue and for the promotion of those finer qualities which distinguish the truly religious and ethical being, the negative precepts are defined to combat vice and suppress other evil tendencies and instances which stand athwart man’s striving towards holiness† (Epstein, 1959, p.24). She compares this view with that of Driver (1895, p. 35) who suggests that there is no specific principle that determines the demarcation between clean and unclean animals. This would be because there is bone that covers all the possible scenarios. This therefore, leaves the implication that it can only be a conglomerate of principle that can be said to form a reasonable basis of determining a clean from an unclean animal. She also makes reference to Jewish though that admits the complex nature of food restrictions. This is because god is perceived to be the creator of heaven and earth ands all that is in it. Moreover, by this mere fact he could not have created an unclean being. The thought resigns to the opinion that each restriction has its independent deep reasoning that can be practically or ideologically be explained. The thought proposes an example of moses in the biblical narration and his lack of provision for weasels and mice out of his consideration for them. They are on the other hand extremely destructive to the grains and crops in the field.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mary Douglas in Anthropology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In totality, the various proposed interpretations do not hold since there is a different interpretation that has been given for each animal. This also opens the door for many other interpretations of the same concept. She however tolerates a second alternative and more logical view. This approach suggests that the various restrictions that have been proposed by the book of Leviticus were intended to safeguard the Israelite tradition fro pollution and influence from other nations (Spinoza, 2007, p.7). They are therefore suggested as precautionary measures against foreign influence. This argument is further criticized on the basis tha t the Israelites are not known to have rejected all elements and values of foreigners. They cannot be said to have borne a sense of consistency in rejecting the participation of foreigners in to their traditions and cultures. Previous scholars who argue that the Israelites upon entry into Canaan adopted some of the Canaanite modes and styles of worship have disqualified this thesis. Through their interaction with the Canaanites over the years through a free economy that involved the exchange of social economic and even cultural heritages, they were wooed into the Canaanite modes and styles of worship. She summarizes the contrast and conflict between taboos, prohibitions and abomination into a single streamline of thought that clean or unclean is a single step towards being holy and righteous. Holiness in this context is to mean complete and compact into a singe entity. This therefore means that every interpretation of an individual animal has an ultimate finishing line of holiness. There can be not more than a single category of holiness and therefore tall other deity rules serve to motivate the metaphor of holiness in their various versions. It is from this basis, that she constructs her proposed argument and case for each individual animal that is mentioned in the book of Leviticus. She argues the case for and against the rules against and for the consumption of these animals. She takes keen interest in the cattle and the pig. She explains the difference between the cow and the wild beasts to be the fact that a cow has a covenant that the wild beast doesn’t.Advertising Looking for essay on anthropology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pig on the other hand is fails to meet the fundamental basic prescriptions by the fact that it has no milk, hide, nor wool. It on the other hand passes for the requirement of a split hove such as that of a camel and antelope. She proposes that its initial exclusion was due to the fact that it failed as a wild boar. These two animals are considered, as the borderline cases since the rest are exquisitely clear and need no further interpretation. In conclusion she contends that the correctness or otherwise of the rules concerning diet among the Israelites are meant to act as motivators to the Israelites. They served as warning signs to every believer of the need to maintain a pure, whole and holy self in the likeness of God (Douglas 1975, p.20). Anthropological modernism Douglas has on several occasions been referred to as â€Å"a classical expression of British anthropological modernism† the modernism concept as originally conceived by Durkheim (1997, p. 80) in his theoreti cal sociology concept focuses on developing a practical model of functionalism. It gives specific attention to the extent to which social phenomenon cultivates coherence in society (Kuper, 1983, p. 36). Douglas revoked the exemption by Durkheim(1997, p. 80) of the western society from the anthropological analysis by putting values in the relationship between the individual’s thoughts practices comments and habits with the social environment in a rather unconscious intensity. From the above argument that she presents for and against the inclusion of certain rules and procedures there is a clear deduction that can be applies in the current asylum seekers situation in Australia. The Australian immigration policy has a mandatory detention system of treating asylum seekers in Australia (Parliament of Australia, 2009, p, 16). Those without a visa are mandatorily detained as they wait for their asylum situation to be decided (Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2009 p, 12). A ccording to the Australian department of immigration, the number of detained immigrants stands at least 3200 people in the detention camps (O’Kane, 2003, p. 45). The greater majority of these spend up to a year before they can be notified of their immigration status and whether they can be allowed to stay in Australia. This has further been followed by incidences of assault and damage of property to the tune of more than 1200 reports within the detention centers (United Nations, 1951, P 56). The number of mental illness related reports has also been recorded as increasing mainly due to the health conditions of the detention camps that according to the United Nations have been considered as an insult to human dignity (Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2009, P. 5) Clearly, there is a serious problem that needs urgent intervention through local and structural adjustments. Douglas addresses a concern such as this in the biblical dietary prohibition analysis. In specific reference, she engages the pig taboo in a modernism anthropological fashion and suggests that it is incorporated as part of a larger cultural system. The argument trends along the dictum that â€Å"when something is firmly classified as anomalous the outline of the set in which it is not a member is clarified†. It is at this level of the argument that she poses the question as to why the specific animals should constitute proper cuisine. This follows a question as to why the political asylum seekers should be given a fair chance at staying in Australia. The response Douglas’s initial question is that the animals specifically required as the proper and allowable cuisines were the same ones that were to be used as sacrifices with the further provision that those intended for sacrifice must be without blemish. In this same manner, every human being is entitled as a basic human right to asylum in any such country as well as the facilitation and provision of essential needs for their survival. The relation between the Israelites and God was evident in the similarity expressed by the dietary prohibition. In this same manner despite the existence of legal and jurisdictional differences, the government of Australia should give equal treatment to asylum seekers in the same manner as they give their citizens. As Douglas puts it, the rules of behavior are what hold the society in one piece. These rules are the basis of the formulation of meanings and therefore demystify concepts that would otherwise have been considered ungraspable. These rules are therefore considered as the specifications that provide analogies between states. In her discussion and interpretation of the book of Leviticus, the abominable pig is proposed as a rational superstition and a morally valid belief. It is considered as an act of human activity and interpretation of the various parameters and concepts that are involved in their every day activities and engagements. It represents a c ompromise between the cultural and religious of disorder coupled with the risk of disruption and disorder. These in totality can be summarized as being a single set of analogies with no central or converging end that in one way or another strike the balance between the moral and physical realms despite the imminent interrelations. The case of the old mandatory retention immigration policy therefore is justified by the existing balance of events and relative stability of society. The constant interpretation and state of affairs is however, stands to be questioned in as far as the effectiveness and utility are concerned. This therefore, forms the basis for the subsequent proposal that the moral and physical realms are in a state of imbalance arising from the lack of an effective compromise between the interests of the asylum seekers and the interests of the Australian government. The political deadlock can be likened to the cultural conflict in the second approach to the dietary prohi bition that sought to propose that the reason behind the dietary restriction was to protect the Israelites from external influence from foreigners. This provides not only a basis but also a starting point for the analysis of the various interests represented by the conflict between the interested parties in the government’s decision-making arm. The political parties like the clergy, priests and lawyers of the biblical ages are seeking to have a policy that is easy and fluid to expedite at the lease cost and involvement. It is for this reason that they have floated the offshore processing policy (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2010, p. 7). The easiest of options would be to process the asylum requests from an offshore stage to absolve these asylum seekers from the misery they face at the detention camps (Yoldi, 2007, pp 67). The other alternative that was not available to the early clergy and is not also available to the government is to ignore the entire asylu m issue and limit the legal provisions to refugees and non-immigrants. This would lead to some serious administrative and societal problems. However, just like the early clergy as analyzed by Douglas there is bound to be a conflict of ideas and opinions among the various participants. In this light, the coalition will always differ with the labor party. These are the normal balancing acts within any decision making branch of society and are therefore anticipated. The other related and affected parties are the citizens. Since 1976, there have been more than 25 000 asylum seekers who have docked on Australia’s shores (Phillips and Spinks, 2010. p 35). They bring equal benefits and consequences on the population as well as influence. There is a clear distinction between the various types of citizens just as there were the various animals in the biblical accounts in Leviticus. Douglas qualifies this argument by pointing out the fact that the Israelites did not maintain a strict o bservance of the tradition and rules and instead blended the Canaanite traditions and styles of worship with theirs. In this same spirit, the Australian government should consider their foreign policies and scrap the mandatory detention system of treating asylum seekers (Evans, 2009, p.12). This will go a long way in streamlining the state relations with other countries as well as reduce all the related costs in maintaining the asylum seekers in the detention centers (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2010, p. 3). Douglas made a progressive critical and constructive analysis of the biblical readings that has continued to gain relevance and application across the scholarly divide. Her discussion of the social practice of purity laws continues to inspire and give credence to the various legal reforms in Australia and beyond. References Berlin, I., 1997. â€Å"Herder and the Enlightenment,† in idem, The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays .New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 359. – 435, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIC). 2009. Annual Report 2008-09. Web. Available at; see Section 1.2.2. Douglas, M.,1966. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. London: Routledge Kegan Paul. Print Douglas, M., 1975. Implicit Meanings: Essays in Anthropology. London: Routledge Kegan Paul. Print Douglas, M., 1975. â€Å"Deciphering a Meal,† in idem, Implicit Meanings: Essays in Anthropology. London: Routledge Kegan Paul. Print Douglas. M., 2004. â€Å"Why I Have to Learn Hebrew: The Doctrine of Sanctification,† The Comity and Grace of Method: Essays in Honor of Edmund F. Perry, (eds) Chicago:Northwestern University Press, 151. Driver, R. S., 1895. International critical commentary on Holy Scriptures of the old and new testaments: Deutronomy. New York: Oxford university press Durkheim, É., 1997. The Division of Labor in Society. New York :Free Press, 72–147. Epstein, I.,1959., Judaism. London: standard art press Evans, C., 2009. Media Release: Opposition must come clean on Temporary Protection Visas. [Online] Available at Fardon, R., 1999. Mary Douglas: An Intellectual Biography. London: Routledge. Fields, K. E.,1995. â€Å"Introduction,† in É. Durkheim, the Elementary Forms of Religious Life, trans. Fields. New York: Free Press, xxiii. Kuper, A., 1983. Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School 2nd ed.; London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 36. Maimonides, m.,1881. Guide to the perplexed. London. Trans. M. friedlander O’Kane, M., 2003. Refugee and Asylum Seeker Issues in Australia. Brunswick. Brotherhood of St Laurence Ecumenical Migration Centre. Parliament of Australia., 2009. Joint Standing Committee on Migration: Immigration Detention in Australia: Report 2. Web. Available at ention/report2.htm Phillips, J. Spinks, H., 2010. Boat Arrivals in Australia since 1976. Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library. [Online] Available at Sheehan, J., 2005.The Enlightenment Bible: Translation, Scholarship, Culture. Princeton. Princeton University Press, 21– 219. Spinoza, B., 2007.Theological-Political Treatise, ed. J. Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights., 2010. All in the same boat: The challenges of mixed migration. Web. Available at; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2010., Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries 2009. Web. Available at; p. 7. United Nations, 195., Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Web. Available at; Yoldi, O. 2007. Life in Refuge Camps, NSW Service for the Treatment a nd Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors. Web. Available at

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Pepsi Company 2014 Diversification Strategy Essay

Pepsi Company 2014 Diversification Strategy - Essay Example This essay talks about the Pepsi Co Inc. which was founded 50 years ago as a merger between a snack company (Frito-Lay) and a soft drink global giant (Pepsi Cola). The paper explores Pepsi Co, Inc diversification strategies responsible for its continued growth.PepsiCo is divided into six business segments. The Frito-lay North America, the Latin American Foods, the Quaker food North America, PepsiCo Europe, PepsiCo Americas Beverages and the PepsiCo Asia and Africa. Each of the company business segments employs three key strategies to enhance its competitiveness in the beverage and snack industry. These strategies included global expansion, product innovation, and strategic alliance.PepsiCo has expanded most of its operation internationally through acquisition and mergers. This strategy has offered the company great business advantage due to the access to already established infrastructure and competencies in the foreign market. More importantly, through this strategy, the company doe s not need to start from scratch and thus it reduced the overheads and direct cost.By employing a broad range of innovative product development initiatives, PepsiCo has been in a position to launch new products on a yearly basis. Moreover, each year the company opened up a new plant in various locations both locally and internationally. PepsiCo enrolled popular celebrities to endorse its brands internationally. PepsiCo formed strategic alliances with huge corporations on a global scale.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Religion in Colonial Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Religion in Colonial Society - Assignment Example In Massachusetts Bay, Winthrop led a colony that he believed he was called by God to lead. He exercised authority with a divine perspective and entrenched democracy in the church. The churchmen were the only people allowed to choose their colonies leaders. In his sermon ‘A Model of Christian Charity’ Winthrop outline God purpose for the Massachusetts Bay (Winthrop). The church has a big role to play in the way the colony was governed. Consequently, the group that settled in Plymouth had a similar system in governing it people. Bradford had come out of the Church of England with the aim of reforming the church values to its primitive ways. The earlier Christian believed the bible to be the ultimate reference book in governing and others ways of life (Halsall). The Maryland Act of Toleration made profound announcement to God similar to the Puritan writings. However, the ‘Plantation Agreement at Providence expounded on the freedom of men in running out the resources in the new found colony (The Maryland Toleration Act 1649). The influence of the early religion in America has continued to influence the majority of the population. People have aligned them self to policies that have been run down through history. The Christian life of American is shaped by the ideas of the Pilgrim and the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Compare and contrast the ways that social media marketing can help Essay

Compare and contrast the ways that social media marketing can help organizations to market their products - Essay Example At the final section of the report, it has been analysed and observed that social media marketing not only helps in marketing products/services efficiently, but also provides immense facilities of creating long term and healthy relationship benefits with the existing as well as potential customers. In the modern age, social media has become one of the essential parts of human lives. It is often observed that more than 250 million people are the users of social media sites today. Perhaps it is owing to the benefits offered by social media as one of the most effective and convenient forms of communication between the people. With a similar consent, the business organisation has been using social media as their marketing tool for their products. Notably, social media marketing was in some way present from the traditional business module itself. Few of the traditional social media used for the promotion of the product are newspapers, radio and magazines, which were also denoted as the modern one-way communication tools at often instances. However, at a certain point of time, the feel for the development of newer social media marketing tools motivated organisations to perform better due to the number of such instances. For example, in the traditional era of social media development s, it was perceived to be impossible for the customers to give their feedbacks or comments to the organisation. However, in case of modern social media tools and the organisations adopting those, it has helped the business organisation to create their own contents for successful promotion of the product gaining better flexibility in their approach. Apparently, it aids the business organisation in promoting their products in a cost effective manner and allow its customers to view the product for free through easy access to the social networking sites (Zarrella, 2010). It has been

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Biotechnology- food :: essays research papers fc

Bibliography 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Copyright 2000-2004 by the SCOPE Research Group (UC Berkeley, UW, AAAS), all rights reserved. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  © 1998 - 2004 English Nature, Northminster House, Peterborough PE1 1UA England 4. 5. Copyright  © 2004 The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific techniques, including genetic engineering, that are used to create, improve, or modify plants, animals, and microorganisms. Using conventional techniques, such as selective breeding, scientists have been working to improve plants and animals for human benefit for hundreds of years. Modern techniques now enable scientists to move genes (and therefore desirable traits) in ways they could not before - and with greater ease and precision ( Biotech food, which is genetically modified or genetically engineered, is grown from seeds that carry specific genes to produce desired characteristics. In the early 1990s, the first biotech food on the market was a tomato that ripened on the vine and could be transported without bruising. The products of agricultural biotechnology today include plants that are protected from insects or are tolerant to herbicides. Biotech foods have now made their way onto our tables. More than a third of the corn and more than half of the soybeans in the 1999 U.S. harvest were grown from seeds produced using biotechnology. As biotechnology crops and foods have proliferated, so have questions and concerns. European consumers, perhaps because of unrelated food scares about diseased beef and contaminated soda, are arguing to label biotech food or keep it out of stores. Consumers in the United States are starting to pay more attention to these issues. Concerns range from food safety to environmental impact. Also framing the debate are ethical questions, including whether it is right to change the genetic makeup of a plant. Some objections that activists raise also apply to conventional crops grown with modern high-intensity agriculture. Increasing acreage given over to GA crops is one of the most frightening aspects. The pollen from these plants can travel miles from their host via wind and insects and fertilize other non-GA crops or related weed species growing nearby. This has already happened with canola and sugar beet. Furthermore, the genes inserted by the alteration process are more biologically vigorous and may be up to 30 times more likely to escape than the plant's own genes. We have already seen this process take place with disastrous results with other 'exotic' and invasive species such as kudzu in the south, and zebra mussels in our waterways( http://www.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Open Source Software

The open source software filling with innovation and vitality 1. Introduction With computer’s development, the software of the computer is more powerful. The software can be divided into two parts which are free and fee-based, and also can be classified with the closed software and the open source software. In order to understand the features of the open source software, and know the reason why the software can be filled with vitality and innovation, which attract a lot of technicists devoting themselves.This paper will give a deep analysis of the open source software in nearly all ranks. This essay mainly includes four parts. Firstly, giving an introduction to the definition of the open innovation and the open source movement and what is the Linux and the history and development of the Linux. Secondly, enumerating some wide use of the open source softwares and taking Linux for example to analyze strengths of open and innovation source software. Thirdly, the author will discus s the challenges and the future of the open source and innovation software.Finally, the author makes a conclusion for the value of the open source and the open innovation. After reading this essay, it’s my target to make you have a better and deep understanding of the concept of open source and open innovation, attempt to make use of the open source software such as Linux operating system, realize the great value of the open source and open innovation, and also be aware of some challenges of the open source and open innovation as well as its future. 2.Open innovation,open source,history of Unix and Linux Henry Chesbrough who is a professor and executive director create the term of open innovation, in his book Open Innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology, though the idea and discussion about some consequences (especially the inter firm cooperation in R&D) date as far back as the 60s (Chesbrough, 2003). With the development of technology and kn owledge, new creation of the products begins to face challenges. In order to create new alue, we must established extensive connection with the outside world widely, realize the complementary advantages in the knowledge dissemination and sharing to speed up inner innovation. In software, for example, companies such as SAP and Microsoft have started to build research labs on university all over the world to improve the integration of outside-in innovation to create new commercial benefit. Even Apple that is so strong no matter from any ways had to open up its proprietary technology to appeal to the high-tech users.There are some outstanding examples in the electronic industry which are Philips' open innovation park, Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, Siemens' open innovation program and IBM's open source initiatives. Today, open innovation has been driven by many computer software suppliers on a strategic level. Nowdays the open source software that needs more creative can appeal to people to use. Due to open innovation, we can concentrate the inner and outer power on developing the creation or innovation.The  open source movement  is a profound movement of individuals who support the use of  open source  licenses for some or all software. Open source software is made available for anybody to use or modify, as its source code is made available. Some open-source software is based on a share-alike principle, whereby users are free to pass on the software subject to the rule that any enhancements or changes are just as freely available to the public, while other open-source projects may be freely incorporated into any derivative work, open-source or proprietary(Eu. conecta, 2011) .The open source software allows users to use some or even all software by giving them authorization. What is more, sometimes, the source code is also available to users. That makes it possible for users to read and modify the source code. Usually, any individual can changes and m odify the code and make available to public, and other users can download his/her code, read his/her code, discuss with the writer, and enhance the code. By doing so, the source code can be optimized and consequently the software will be more powerful and a stabilized system because of some users’ creative ideas and critical thinking.The open source is a profound revolution by taking the advantage of users’ participation(Eu. conecta, 2011). Nowdays the security of software is more and more concerned. Though the open source, we can solve the problem of security by a mass of programmers. With the open innovation and open source movement developed, there are a vast of professional and perfect softwares happened. For example, Linux and Unix, Unix operating system that many of the cooperative programmers make efforts in the 1970s is the most successful program that could run on different computer device.A free version of Unix operating system can be attempted to build by th e developers in 1986. There is a project called GNU that stand for â€Å"Gnu’s not Unix† allowing programmers to contribute to the development effort regardless of individual or commercial interests. The most important thing is that the operating system is free for user. The GNU is very famous as a copyleft agreement including four points. The first is that software can be copied and distributed under the GNU license. The second is that products that are obtained and distributed under this license may be sold.The third is that user can alter the source code, but if they want to distribute or publish the source code, they must make the software work under the GNU license. The third is that without a GNU license, the source code could not work , through an individual can modify, distribute and publish the source code. The fourth is that we can develop the assistant technology for the open source software which don’t include core licensed under the GNU license. Ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s not published as the Linux kernel created by a young student who is called Linus Torvalds until in1991.He gave programmers his code so they can contribute to revise and develop the code. Linux becomes into an advanced and powerful operating system, because a mass of programmers analyze the code and write development that Linus included into Linux. With the Linux improved rapidly, there are a series of versions of Linux delivered that can meet different needs. 3. The strengths of open and innovation source software In this section, the author will talk about the wide use of open and innovation source software and its strengths and profound impact to modern society and some traditional fee-based software.It is hard to realize something until we stop for a while and look at how different it is from the software that we know. The open and innovation source software have some incomparable advantages that conventional paid software can’t match. The author will take Linux f or example to discuss the strengths and impact of open and innovation source software. Firstly, the open source movement is the collaborative nature that allows smaller companies to take part in the global economy. The smaller companies or individuals can have rights to access to create, organize, or distribute the software.It’s an equal opportunities for people around the world to participate in the movement. So the movement has attracted more and more involved. There are over 120,000 programmers all over the world who are distributed internationally and support Linux as a means of reducing the large companies’ technical domination (Ceraso, A. , & Pruchnic, J,2007) . It is computed that only 5-10 percent of code of the Linux kernel remains compiled by Linus Torvalds. The collaborative nature create the culture of sharing, which is pervasive in the programming project.Programmers in those project help each other, make progress together to complete the programming. Seco ndly, the creation of open source software is not individual so that we can reduce the cost. The Research and Development of Linux operating system is made efforts by volunteer labor that is worth about two billion dollars (Kusnetsky and Greg , 1999). Companies like Microsoft that develop the windows operating system spend about $80-100 million per year. Technologists are addicted to the code of Linux programming due to their hobbies or personal interest.The programmers don not care the money and time so that they can devote themselves into it with their professional responsibilities. Individuals who have keen interest in coding and software creation or distribution promote the development of the open source software, which is not different from the proprietary software which is motivated by the money gain. Sometimes the developers want to get satisfaction and a reputation from other programmers by contributing to the open source code. Others want to receive such as good job offers, shares in programming values and so on.Thirdly, system administrator in the development of open source software will have control in the risk of deploying the tool. It is similar to in a corporate organization that Linux has a leadership structure. Linus Torvalds is a header in the Linux community who is a respected manager that can control the progress of programming, and his thoughts are considered final. Torvalds can appoint some programmers to be responsible for managing specific part of the project, and in reverse the programmers can guide other coordinators.However, this leadership structure only is suited to the Linux kernel; it does not apply to program such as system utilities. Fourthly, there is a major advantage in the open source code that is the ability for a mass of various people to edit and fix problems and errors that have occurred. The advantage is that programmers make improvements to open source software and will give meaningful feedback to the original programm er. The feedback benefits the entire project. Because of the feedback, the open source softwares become more and more powerful, riskless, high-quality.Fifthly, open source programs divide into small teams of programmers that work independently to settle specific problems. Those teams are parallel development that can make it possible for 435 Linux projects to be underway (Sullivan, 2011). Parallel debugging can improve the efficiency of individuals working on the project. Parallel debugging can feed back quicker modifications than traditional development. For example, Linux is attacked by the TearDrop IP because of some bugs, but Linux programmers repair it in less than 24 hours (Sullivan, 2011). Sixthly, open source software has the feature of the long-term sustainability.The open source software is different from the proprietary softwares, which is not driven out of business in the short-term. The open source software will be still developed all the time so long as the programmer can keep the sufficient interest and skills, even the user always has the choice to work in the house, maintain the running of the software and support to continue the programming of the software. It can have been seen the strengths of open and innovation source software. Better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in are the targets of the open source software.It is important to maintain the open source definition that creates a trusted group that connects all users and developers together. Just because of the strengths of open and innovation source software, expect for the Linux or Unix operating system, there are some other excellent softwares such as apache that is successful server software and scripting programming language on the web, Mozilla that is a excellent web browser like IE and mysql that is very popular database management system, giving people different experience and meeting the diversity of requirements. Th ese softwares also have been extremely successful. . Challenges of open source and innovation software Even though the open source and innovation softwares have gained great success in many areas, but there are still challenges facing in front. One challenge is the quality of the open source and innovation software. Previous research has shown that the size of software module have a certain relationship with software defects. For example some scholars think that there is an U-shaped relationship between software modules and software defect, therefore, the software module wants to be moderate, too big or too small scale will lead to defect increased.Despite criticism of scholars views, but the size of the software modules should be paid attention to control In the software development to ensure software quality,which recognized by most of scholars. However, the above conclusion is based on the non-open source software, and is not suitable for quality control of the open source softwa re, because the module of the open source software usually is constantly changing the old module, adding a new module or deleting constantly in the process of evolution of software development.Koru AG, Zhang Dongsovg, LiuHongfang take Mozilla for example to prove that there is a relationship between the size of of module of the open source software and the defects of product, and the results still show that l with software quality has a direct relationship with the scale of the software. Although there are a large number of experts auditing the open source software quality on the surface, but in fact, there are a small number of relatively fixed experts auditing the quality periodically,even some softwares don't have a quality audit, which is one of reasons that the quality of open-source software is doubted.Another risk is the legal risk of business development using open source. First, there is a problem that copyright of Open source software is unknown. Open source software often has a very complex origin because of its special patterns of development. Open source software has a massive pool of programming expertise all over the world to develop. For example, there may be a few people, more dozens, or hundreds of people contributing to the programming of open source software. Over one thousand people are needed in large projects such as Linux operating system (Langley, 2007).But the participants have a variety of backgrounds, as a result, It is difficult to ensure that their codes don’t have problems. This kind of confusion property rights of knowledge and complex situation makes a lot of open source software have a risk of infringement all the time. For example, Linux was suspected of violating the copyright of Unix programming code belongs to the company of SCO. For the problems of infringement ,license of open can’t provide any special terms or other promises to ensure that the programmers who devote to projects don’t violate the int ellectual property of others.Due to these licenses that do not provide any liability protection, there is a risk of open source software for commercial development. Second, There are other problem such as the infringement of patent rigth and trademark right that we should pay attention on. 5. Commercial value and trend of open source and innovation software In this part, we will discuss the open source software’s economic value and predict its future. On one hand, a lot of commercial software companies are always paying attention to the rapid development of open source software.Due to the massive excellent open source software projects and high quality codes, if the resources can be directly used, business company can save a lot of cost. The company of Business software develops commercial software based on the open source codes, which is flexible to decide based-fee or free when it is used for commercial purposes. For individuals, it is still free to use the commercial softw are, of course, Except commercial purposes, at the same time, these companies can provide technical service’s support.This flexible business model is more and more welcomed by more and more business software company. On the other hand, launch of android makes people be full of expectation for the open source software. Because of the open source software portability, custom pattern of Linux is a breakthrough of the industry model. Custom pattern of Linux because of the current Linux operating system that has deficiencies at performance, stability, and grasping the user needs ,can meet the user’s requirements. Though we discuss the commercial value of open source software, we can predict the trends of the open source software.In the future, the suppliers of open source software will have a closer relationship among themselves. Due to the development of the industry, the model of self-reclusive development do not clearly conform to the trend of the times, high requirement s of the software in the future promote manufacturers of open source software Seeking a deeper cooperation among themselves, which provides effective means to compete with the large proprietary software vendors for the supplier of open source software. The overall open source solutions are easier than traditional solutions on the deployment and maintenance.From hardware to software infrastructure, enterprise customers will know and experience the effective cost of overall open source solutions. Grasping the good opportunity of open source software will have a better future. 6 . Conclusion Now the software’s feature is more complex and the work of software’s programming is more lager, the open source software occupy a lot of advantages such as its collaborative nature which can offer customizability and, as a result, promotes the adoption of its products, the open innovation which is not proprietary, resulting in lower costs and so on.Now software is built more complica ted and the work of programming is more lager than ever. Because the open source software is not proprietary, that means taking the advantage of collaboration and customizability could lower the cost and make the software system stronger. From the introduction above, It can have been already cleared the definition of open innovation, the open source movement and the history of Unix, Linux operating system. Though the deeper analysis, it can be known the reason why the open source softwares become more and more popular is that powerful strength of open source software.Just because of this, there are some excellent software such as Linux, apache and mysql giving people different experience and meeting the diversity of requirements. These softwares also have been extremely successful. For now the use of open source software in some areas is limited, but its value will dig out driven by the maturity of technology and idea. However, there are also challenges. One difficulty is the promis e of the quality of the open source software. And another difficulty is the legal risk of business development using open source.Notwithstanding the challenges, the quality of massive open source software could prove invaluable over time. 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